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Voseporik (Golden Belly)
Translated from Old Armenian by Hakob Keoseyan
Series Theology, Philosophy
ISBN 978-9939-850-52-8
Media type Hardcover
Published in 2021
Number of pages 393
Size 13x20 cm
Language Armenian

Grigor Tatevatsi 1346-1409) is one of the greatest Armenian thelogians. His "Voskeporik" (Golden Belly) is one of the best catechisms of the Armenian Church. It is the abridged and adopted version of his own extensive "Book of Questions" which was written for priests and theologians. In contrast, "Voskepoik" was written for laymen and by the request of a layman Masutshah. Even now, this book is very useful for understanding theology of the Armenian Church.

Table of Contents (PDF)